I'm not sure if this is what he's wanting, but a stargazing book that's really lovely is "Turn Left at Orion" by Guy Consolmagno and Dan Davis.

Some other space books we've liked include:

-Ann Love and Jane Drake, The Kids' Book of the Night Sky (sounds as though this might be a bit young for him, though)

-Jim Lebans, The Quirks & Quarks Guide to Space

-Dava Sobel, The Planets

-Paul Raeburn and Matt Golombek, Mars: Uncovering the Secrets of the Red Planet (this might be the closest to what he's looking for among the things we've got around here--it's a nice National Geographic coffee table about the NASA Pathfinder mission to Mars, complete with 3-D glasses!)

As a change of pace, I wonder if he'd like to look at the Canadian Space Agency's website? www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/missions/ The CSA has functioned in a supportive role on several NASA missions, and there are some fun activities there, as well as good information about some specialised aspects of those missions.
