Originally Posted by kd976
Here's the principal's response to your question:

This MAP assessment is given on the computer. We use it for all grade levels. We begin at the grade level the students are on, and the assessment will allow them to progress as far as they can. Hope this helps!

Great - the MAP is an amazing test that self adjusts while the child is taking it. There are 2 versions (although the school may not realize that, so treat carefully!) - on is for K-2nd, and the other is for 2nd and up. We have seen schools where the school person assumes that because the 2+ test goes on and on forever, that the younger test also does.

Inky - please check my facts here - do I have this right?

Here's the name of the K-2 test that doesn't go on and on:
- MAP for Primary Grades: Reading and Mathematics for K-2 Student

If at all possible, you want them to let your child take
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): Reading, Mathematics, Language Usage

so that they can really see what your child can do.

That should help you clarify without driving them nuts.

The only possible pitfall is that you child won't have seen some of the symbols in math, so a kid that understands division, and can verbally do long convoluted word problems involving division in their head, but has never seen the ways that division is written on paper might really confuse the computer and be on for hours and hours while the AI tried to figure out where to place this child.

Encourage you child to keep going 'no matter how long it takes' - and if you think this might be an issue for your child, remind child that most tests you feel smart when you finish more quickly than others, but this test has an AI that keeps the smartest kids there for the longest because it gives them harder and harder stuff.

I really think that you have a terrific chance to use this test to show the school what your child actually is capable of. So exciting!

Love and More Love,

Last edited by Grinity; 04/13/10 05:12 AM.

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