Thanks! Part of the problem here is that this is a service that's supposedly going to be offered soon at the hospital where I work (the clinicians are trained and ready to start, but the appropriate equipment order is currently "on hold" indefinitely). If I start elsewhere, there's a rather substantial copay, whereas if we wait until the program at my hospital is up and running, there would be no copay.
I don't mind paying the copay, but the only other place to offer the service (at least that I can find via their website and calling around) was supposed to call me back--months ago.
I should probably follow up again, but this year has been so jammed-packed with other medical appointments & therapies, there hasn't been time to worry or wonder about it. Until now. I'm on it again!

Age-Gap parenting a 2e 12-year-old and an 8-month-old