Ok, how big a 23 month old is he?

We also EC, so we're also comming from a slightly different place, and DS is half as old, however, I hold DS to pee.

The way I do it is to hold DS reclined against my chest (with his back to me), and one hand under each of his thighs, his knees and hips flexed. (either facing the toilet, or you can actually sit on the back of the seat, which I do when I'm tired or DS is really wiggly, the caveat is you don't wanna miss like that). I *think* I could do it with an average sized two year old (that's c. 35lbs, right?)... but I also don't own a stroller.

Anyway, if he was comfortable enough to go a few times that way, you could hold him more and more on the toilet until he's ok with using it by himself.

If he's too heavy to try it, I'd try suggesting doing it "big boy" style over the potty, and just make sure the potty is in a... good... location. Such as... the... bathtub...

He does sound like he's thoroughly ready. Maybe just talk it through with him, and see if he has a plan? (he also sounds thoroughly cute, just for the record :))

Oh, and yeah, the after-waking pee is definitely the surest catch. If he's not napping, you get a decent chance again after a meal, not as sure a catch, but better than random guessing. Mostly.

Good luck!

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!