We met with the incoming principal for our middle school as well as the 7th grade team. Wow, what a difference. The math teacher had already researched some curriculum ideas and is WILLING to offer DD ALEKS Math instead of the 7th grade Pre-Algebra. And, DD will only be doing ALEKS instead of what they had proposed this year-finishing 6th grade material and then do "extra" math. We are still waiting for Accelerated Math to become available although we have been told it will happen this week. The only concern about ALEKS is how it will be graded since DD plays softball and participates in extra-curricular activities making it necessary to have eligibility checks.
We also learned that there seems to be a great deal of differentiated learning in the core classes so I think we will see a huge change in DD mental and emotional state next year. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.