Met last Friday to write IEP for DS8 in 3rd grade. We wrote the IEP on his tourettes. When I tried to get elements of the gifted issue addressed I was shot down. I can say that the speech and occupational therapist were right there with me. I made sure to get as many minutes a month with them as possible. Just so he is with people who get it. His one teacher said "He still makes noises, He stops when you ask him and then just starts up again" She just doesn't get it. I swear I saw the OT roll her eyes as she tried to explain his needs one more time.
When I pressed for pretesting as suggested by Dr. Amend, the issue was raised of what will he do then? He wouldn't get any instruction if different things were given to him. I did sign the IEP b/c I want him to start getting some services. but I am still ready to take on the old paradigm and said maybe its time to make some changes.