Originally Posted by kcab
We've used Life of Fred for a relaxation/enrichment activity this winter, so I could imagine it working for you this summer. I think one of the big pluses of camps is getting together with other kids who are interested in the same things, but maybe your kids already have enough of a built-in group?

I was inspired by some of the homeschooling/challenging kid enough/HS workbook threads into making a few language arts purchases. Thought we'd do them this summer, but DS saw some of the stuff and wanted to dive in with cursive and grammar. Which of course means I'll just have to buy MORE stuff for summer, no doubt.
You're right about the one part that one of the advantages of camp would be getting together with other kids. I don't think that's a huge issue for my kids right now - one of them is buddies with some bright boys, one of them has her little group of friends close to home, and the other one, well he's super introverted so I don't know whether he would actually make friends, but who knows.

As for the purchases, I keep buying more and more stuff, and wondering when we're going to use it smile. I have several general homeschooling books, only some of which I've read. I have some LOF books - I bought the first one, and ds7 has read it through a couple of times for the story only. I have no idea whether he's picking up any math along the way, but he needs more foundation first. He begged me for the next one, the one about decimals, and he's read that one too. His twin brother loves math, but is apprehensive about the reading aspect - he's come a long way, I think he'd be fine with it. He's read a couple of Murderous Maths books, so of course I keep buying more. DD loves math but hasn't seemed interested in LOF yet. For her math seems to be getting her to see things from the correct angle, and then she has sudden light bulb moments. I love finding cheap used books on line smile

Originally Posted by Cricket2
Do you have a good science museum anywhere near you? While it is an hour commute, I just joined the Denver Museum of Nature & Science thinking that we could use some of the exhibits as educational enrichment activities if I design some lesson plans around some of the stuff they have. For instance, you could use an exhibit like the hall of health to learn math concepts related to blood flow, etc.

I agree with what you said in your original post that it needs to be fun activities for the summer or your kids might feel like you are trying to keep them inside doing school work all summer.
I think I've been a little mixed up in my head and this thread is helping me to get straightened out. There are two things I'm trying to accomplish, and I think it's best if they occur through separate means. First, there are things I think the kids would enjoy learning that are not being taught to them in school for whatever reason (mostly math; the latin is another story :)) . Second, of course, is to do fun and interesting things. The Denver Science and Nature museum is a great idea - thanks! (I'm having a "duh" moment.) I could do that once every week or two; I have a college student helping me out this summer, to watch the little ones, who will be turning 4, 2 and 1; though I guess the 4 y.o. will be coming with us on outings. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before - I guess because it's usually DH's department (this is only the second summer in five years that I'm not nursing a newborn or about to have a baby). But we're only about 35 minutes or so from that museum, so it's do-able. DD's latest proposed career is scientist, so I'm sure we can find something there of interest. We'll be spending a lot of weekends in the mountains too - I usually bring a giant bag of books back and forth.

Thanks for your thoughts!!