Does anyone else have a kid like this? grin

I liken my daughter's brain to a computer. If you input info (from whatever source... tv, talking to her, reading to her) and wait a few days to a week... she'll have it all down with no problem. Yet, if you ask her right after she's heard it... she says she "doesn't know." It's like her internal computer must have time to process it...

...the strangest thing is that when you do give her info on something... you'll find out the processors in her brain have expanded the programing and have taken her way beyond what you original imputed.

ex. off the top of my head:

On Monday you show her how to add 1 plus 3. You show her how to do basic addition.

On Tuesday you "test" her to see if she got it. The response seems negative. She doesn't know nor does she care.

On Sunday while she's playing you realize...she's not only adding together all sorts of numbers but she's logically figured out subtracting as well and is using her toys to demonstrate it. She is also doing basic multiplication b/c she informs you that "if you take 2 -2 times- you get 4" and so on

I made that up (kindof) but you get the point

Does any of this make any sense??