I'm wondering if any of you with verbally precocious toddlers have 'issues' with the way in which your DC chooses to communicate? (By issues, I mean choice of words/topic, emphasis etc relevant to the receptive audience)

I feel a little embarrassed to be talking about this actually, but we've a reached a point here at home that something needs to change - or at the very least, I need to get it off my chest. Basically DD26mos has gone from being my quiet ponderer who talked in depth when it interested her, to commenting on absolutely everything and everyone. Combine this with perfect clarity, animated body language and facial expression and there's no mistaking it - if she's got a problem with something (which is most things it seems at the moment) you are going to know about it. She's telling strangers off for littering; Children at the park for not wearing their hats; Me for being tardy in responding to her requests; From her stroller no less, she even accused a poor unwitting gentleman of stealing our new car. This was a somewhat understandable mistake to make as it was the same make/model/color as ours, but still! She hasn't mastered volume control yet and being 2, lacks understanding and judgment of social etiquette. Family, friends and strangers to date have been mostly gracious about her outbursts (especially if they ask how old she is) but I think she's become downright overbearing for children, which is a shame because she's also extremely empathetic and concerned about fairness.

Anyway, I've been subtly working with her by rephrasing some of the harsher comments as well as practicing speaking quietly/loudly and when it's appropriate. Neither DH nor I are loud, confrontational people so she's being shown polite interaction in everyday situations as well.

Please understand, I'm absolutely thrilled for DD that she can communicate effectively especially after watching my DS(now 4) struggle with speech delay and articulation issues. I'm also acutely aware that DD is going through the typical rapid development of toddlerhood which can be tricky at the best of times and everyday can be a roller coaster crazy However, if anyone has any other ideas on how I can gently help her to be somewhat less...abrasive, I'd really appreciate it. Otherwise, can you let me know about when we can expect a reprieve?!