Please don't take this as criticism, but we all know how these kids take our ideas and interpret them. I would tread very carefully. Your son may interpret your statement of your experiences as well as what he heard to think that people who are gifted are asking for trouble and that it is something he should be ashamed of or hide.

The second reason I would tread carefully is that often it doesn't work anyway. I remember a class discussion when I was twelve and thought I was pretty good at not answering questions. The teacher went out of the room and somehow the class got talking and one of the boys (a boy who was having difficulty in school) said that I was really smart, but that I wasted it, and that I knew all the answers but didn't say anything.

What I'm getting at is that if you are gifted, the other kids know, whether you answer the questions or not. And if they are going to tease about it, they will, answering questions or not.

If you bring it up, maybe do it from a manners point of view, that we try to give everyone a chance to say something in a conversation?