The only reason why we hesitate to skip again is because he's so impulsive and aggressive, and as he gets older his tics are getting worse and we fear for him being with kids that are three and four years older. He isn�t very modest and has virtually no filter and we�re afraid that one day one of these kids will haul off and hit him. He's got sensory issues as well so when he melts down it's not good.
They've also suggested curriculum compacting (which we said okay to) but so far we've not seen it being done. We've also suggested that he stay with the teacher who he's going to 3rd for this year (she's looping to 4th with her class last year)and still be classified as a 3rd grader but doing the 4th grade work with her and then re-evaluating him at the end of next year. I will look into getting that book, anything that can put us in the right direction for him!