hi all
my son was tested about 18 months ago on the WISC-IV and did well overall but had a super low 4 out of 19 on coding. Even though i'd been told on here that the test doesn't really involve solving a code, i did get him involved in a lot of decoding "secret message" type activities in the past year. The latest being the Graeme Base book called "the Eleventh Hour" which we decoded several messages together. i taught him how to do it in what i thought was the most brain-efficient way.. for example if there is a diamond symbol that means "A", then find all the diamonds first..He has gotten REALLY good and very fast at doing these types of activities.

Fast forward to today and the problem. For his tri-ennial review at school for his special education program, the school psychologist gave him the WISC-IV (though i had requested another test)...Being my curious self.. I asked him how it all went and asked if he did a test that was like a code. He said "yes" but that the teacher made him stop doing it the "fast" way, and do one letter at a time from the top. I really think it was great that he was doing it the more efficient way, and applying a mental strategy. But since the psychologist stopped him i am wondering if its really only supposed to be done "one way" and if the fact that she stopped him invalidated the subtest?? Was she supposed to have changed his strategy for completing this test??
