This morning I was taking dd7 to school. For about the last 3 weeks she has been saying that she doesn't want to go to school...a highly unusual statement from her. This morning she said it again and so I asked why she didn't want to go. She said "I don't like school". This, from a child who has always thought school was the best thing ever. So I asked her why and she said that "school is boring...and not fun". I said, well what would make school more fun? (half expecting her to say "longer recess" or "more games" etc) and she says "Science. Why cant we learn about science and experiments? Thats what I want to do. The other stuff is boring me..I've learned how to do all of it and want to do something else now".

*sigh* To be honest, I think I knew this was coming but I'm not really sure what, if anything, to do about it. The last time she talked this way was in K. Once she got adjusted work she was fine. Last year in 1st grade she seemed very happy. This year has been different (I had to ask the teacher for more challenging reading etc) but dd seems challenged. I know GT is very challenging but dd has said she has been doing better than all the kids in that class. Her teacher told me that dd is a fast learner. Once she learns something she masters is, without any need for repetition (she called it a name but cant think of it now) anyway, I wonder if the repetitive nature of the class is boring her? I could be making a mountain out of a mole hill..but sure would appreciate any advice here. Do I talk to her teacher? Leave it alone for a while? help. lol.