I listened to his interviews on "The Takeaway" (http://www.thetakeaway.org/2010/mar/08/genius-all-us/) and read quite a bit at his blog:

He seems to go down the popular road of "10 zillion hours of practice will make you good at anything." I know I'm greatly over-simplifying, but I don't see how this notion applies to a PG kid "spontaneously" learning to read at age 3... or any of the other countless examples we see with young prodigies.

I'm sorry, but I could practice drawing for 10,000 whatevers and, at best, would maybe improve my stick-figure rendering only slightly.

One of the comments (at one of the above sites) raised an interesting question: "If parents are given credit for developing the genius, are they also assigned credit (blame?) for kids on the other end of the spectrum?" (Loosely paraphrased.)

My two cents, happily contributed.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz