What grade level test was this?

I have given both the 1st and 2nd grade ITBS, both of which have a listening subtest. This means that I am the one reading the questions aloud that my son is supposed to be listening to. My son did pretty well on the 1st grade ITBS listening portion (>90th percentile), but on the 2nd grade one, he did what your son did--Very high 90s everywhere except for listening and I am not at all stressed by it because here is an example (made up) of a listening question:

Mary lived at the top of the hill, Julie lived on the side of the hill, and Sarah lived at the bottom. Then all the families did a strange thing. Julie's family moved up, Mary's family moved to Sarah's house and Sarah's family moved up too. If Ben rode his bike to the top of the hill before, whose house did he stop in front of?

That isn't the best example, but the point is that what the questions do (especially on the 2nd grade test), is that they give some seemingly random information somewhere near the beginning of the question, then they go on and on for a while frequently manipulating the information a few times (so in the case of my terrible example, maybe the girls could have moved a few more times, some could have moved away and new people moved in, and then the question could have something to do with the second or third iteration of the thing), and then they ask a question about that seemingly random information.