I hope this question makes sense - here goes:
Has anyone ever felt their child "thougth" they were older than they actually were? My son seems to flock to "older" kids. When I picked him up from preschool the other day he had to go over to the playground area and look through the fence at the "older" kids (they are in the pre-K program). They ran over to see him and tried to play with him (through the fence) and he was thrilled. He is miserable around kids his own age and only thrives when there are kids at least six month older than he is around. We even had to get him moved up a room at our church Sunday school - he cried the whole 2 hours he was with the kids his age. The Sunday he moved up he did the usual "seperation anxiety" cry of 2 minutes and was fine the rest of the time.
Do you think he could possibly perceive himself to be a "big kid"?
I mean, we probably haven't helped the situation. As long as toys have no small parts we let him play with whatever he wants. My dh had him going down Little Tykes slides at 6 months old (and he loved ever minute of it). I just wonder how he sees himself compared to other kids his age.
Any thoughts?