That's cool! It's so cool when they can finally do something they've been working on. I know for me, whatever accomplishments I made physically were such a release! I remember when I was 10 and I finally rode a bike. Nevermind that in 2 days I was nearly killed in a bike accident that involved a horrid head injury, I could RIDE!! I still ride, even though I have to stick to sidewalks and stay under 10 mph for the most part cuz I have a tendency to overcorrect and wipe-out.

Keep working on the little things, they make such a difference.

Mite processed it all for awhile after school. He talked about how he knocked into his friend's head and how he felt so bad about that. He talked about how embarrassed he was that he kept dropping his books and everyone was telling him to hurry up. He's over it now. I tried not to make a big deal out of it...just let him talk about stuff. Mostly I overheard him telling Rite about it.

I emailed the teacher, sped teacher and principal and explained what I saw, also explained that when subs were there Mite wasn't bringing home any homework or finished work, and said I was concerned that Mite's accomodation needs weren't being communicated to the substitutes. I asked how **we** could rectify the situation.

I always say **we** to let them know I'm part of the process and willing to do my part. Seems to soften things for them a bit, I think.

Willa Gayle