She does not seem to be particularly advanced in her math ability � she uses her fingers to add and subtract. She can do some borrowing and carrying (although at times this may involve sock removal)� but no multiplication and division yet. It seems as though to be really good at math she would need to be flashcard-ed or something of the sort to learn her math facts. Will she eventually just figure out how to do math

First, I would say the ability to to borrow and carry over is very advanced at 4! At school, full mastery is not expected till grade 2- age 7

I would say not to do flash cards or memorizing the math facts with a 4yo, unless you have one of those kids who loves flashcards! smile
Instead I would work on incorporating math into your normal routine. Once a child learns to work with math in everyday life, mastery of the facts just comes.
~We like to play with our food! If You have 6 and I give you 2 more how many will you have in all. If you have 2 groups of 3 how many would you have.
Patterns, time, and measurement are also math concepts which can be fun to explore.

Sounds like you have a very precocious lil kiddie. Good luck and enjoy the ride.

My DD learned multiplication/division by skip counting, which she loved to learn. There are many different skip counting songs. You may want to look around and see if you find some that your DD enjoys.