I recently got our test scores back for ds6:

WISC-IV - standard scores:
Verbal Comprehension 112
Perceptual Reasoning 119
Working Memory 110
Processing Speed 80
FSIQ 109

They were done by a psychologist outside the school. He told me that he let ds continue with the test beyond the allotted time and he did really well but that part couldn't be counted on the score because of the time limit. His words were "he was doing things that 17 year olds can't do." So I know ds is smart - maybe not gifted but I'm not sure what to do about the processing speed to help him. The psychologist also said ds has ADHD - I'm not sure how that might have affected his processing speed, getting off-task during the test. I do know that when I ask him a simple question, there is a delay before he answers even if he is paying attention.

He seems bored out of his mind at Kindergarten and is a behavior problem - recently I started pulling him out 2 hours early every day to give him some one-on-one time but he is so anti-school right now that we are taking a step back and trying to figure out what we should even be doing with him for homeschool time - it's been extremely hands-on, no written work at all yet.

Any ideas on what I should ask the school to do or that I can do at home? Thanks so much!

Last edited by LadybugMom; 03/10/10 11:44 PM.