I juts noticed this topic, having just recently joined your great group,and "repetetive behaviour" was an issue in my (long!) intro description of my 3.5 year old boy (is that a DS3?- I'm trying to figure out the lingo!)..so while some of you reflect on flapping, does anyone have experience with "jumping"? By this , I mean he randomly jumps up and down on the spot , usually 2 times, while doing an activity, excited, wandering around...he'll repeat it here and there, depending on whether or not he continues an activity...more when energetic, excited, sometimes not much at all..no flapping with it, no obvious viusal/verbal stims, just some bounces. AT our first screening with a psychologist, her initial impression (just after 1.5 hours) was unlikely AS, but seeing the jumping,she admitted it stood out as odd. Focusing in on this one behaviour is important to me because he has no other obvious stims (unless running up and down the hall, when bored or not active that day, 5 or 6 times, is a stim!)Anyone else have this experience?