And, I, in, that, the, to, at, and you are all words he uses quite a lot (the list was originally being discussed as a way to pick spelling words for poor spellers it has nothing do to with baby stuff, it's supposed to be a list of commonly used words divided by degree of commoness).

He also consistently says Mama, Hi, yes, and occasionally up and dada, and his generalized noun, a bunch of others from the dolce 12 an 20 lists, and then sometimes he'll come out with some word, used properly, which he rarely repeats. I'm probably missing something he says regularly.

Anyway, I was looking at the list for no particularly good reason, and I noticed the overlap. I think I've heard all of the "most" common words a couple of times, and a few of them seemed strange when I heard them. And I'd noticed that having a lot of "glue" words seemed a bit unusual, but didn't think about it much. Looking at the Dolce list just put a bunch of the ones I keep hearing all together and made me think about it. I hadn't clued in that those are COMMON words.

(he's not talking much yet, certainly not an "effective verbal communicator!" and he talks mostly in binges while we're out on walks or playing very intently.)

I suspect it's interest, seems that way with most kids I know. I know DS started saying "in" a lot when he started putting things in things constantly. He started saying hi when trying to get attention from people. He says Up when mama isn't working wink

I'm just interested in the pattern. I'm not looking for deep significance or anything. It occurred to me that I tend to re-enforce things like "the," "it" and "at," and I'm not sure most parents do, so I thought maybe that might be part of it...

A lot of those words also have a similar sound, (at, that, the) so maybe that's part of it.

And then there's the # of syllables thing. DS doesn't do a whole lot of two syllable words. When he does say dada, he often says "da" (pause) "da" (pause) "dad" (pause) "a." wink

Last edited by Michaela; 03/05/10 12:07 PM. Reason: Incohearance

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!