Originally Posted by Dandy
The kid was positively riveted for the entire 30-minute lecture... it was amazing. And as tempted as I was to let him stay up late for a 2nd lecture, I decided to follow the show-biz adage of "always leave them wanting more" and sent him to bed.

Tomorrow night he wants to watch the lecture on "the imaginary number i"... and then "the number 9" ... and then "infinity." And several more.

Ha -- I got him right where I want him!
(It worked so well, I almost feel guilty... almost.)
Well done :-) I should watch that while DS is around - I bought it a while back along with several other courses and we haven't got to it so far. (We all enjoyed the particle physics ["for non-physicists: a tour of the microcosmos"] one enormously, and then started Maths from the Visual World which is stylistically a little bit of a let down after the physics - clear, but with a relatively low-energy presentation style, and DS was not immediately hooked, so we didn't carry on.)

Has your son watched the Dimensions videos? I bet he'd love them.

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