
Your comment about DS spending a lot of time with paper and pencil made me smile. I have full heartedly gone back into my art and am taking advantage of time when she is in school to go to some live model sessions. Seeing mommy's hobby has sparked DD with her drawing and she was super excited when we found a sketch package clearanced at a local hobby store. It came with a good range of pencils, paper stump, sharpener, sketch pad and a case to carry it in. So now she has her own sketch pencils and draws all the time. I love her robots. The only problem we had was she went through the little sketch pad quickly so I went to an office supply store and picked up a package of scratch pads. So now she has plenty of paper and they are the perfect size for her to carry around and draw/write on. We are never without them, even in the car. The hardest part is deciding which ones to keep and/or throw away. Each picture is unique and full of personality.

Spring is almost here and I promised her when everything is in full bloom we would head over to the university, taking our sketch pads and draw. She can't wait.