Two of my three kids have gone to Camp Invention and the third will be going for the first time this summer, and they have really enjoyed it. I don't know how it's done nationwide, but here, kids are grouped according to grade, not age. My DD8 was gradeskipped this fall and was placed with the higher grade group in August. Here it is grouped 1st through 3rd and 4th through 6th (the grade they will be entering into in the fall).

Like I said, my kids have loved it. My kids are the type to collect recyclables and junk and create inventions with it anyway, so this is right up their alley. Every year there are different modules that are worked on during the week and all involve creativity, problem solving, and fun. One year my son designed amusement park games in one module. Another year my kids built different viking ships to sail across the sea (a small pool) and in the process learned about both the vikings and ship design. And always there is a module where the kids bring in a used appliance, take it apart, and then build something new with it. To us, it's a great learning experience and a fun way to spend a week in the summer.

If I were you, I would look into having your son in the group into which he has gradeskipped. If his school has deemed him academically and socially mature enough to be in that grade, then CI should also.

She thought she could, so she did.