No advice, but also looking for ways to help my 11 year old son who has some unusual visual differences that I don't understand but I know will cause problems in geometry. Problems like not being able to look at two angles of the same size and automatically know they are the same size, something I always assumed everyone could do. This little quirk even made it more difficult for him to determine which shoe to put on his foot. He could not see the slight difference between the right and left shoe automatically.

But he remembers the harder stuff like formulas. He loves word problems and I think my son will do well in algebra, but when he did Aleks middle school math online a few years ago he skipped the geometry. He can't avoid it forever. We are going to figure this out too.

The weird thing about his visual differences is that it doesn't seem to affect his ability to look at a word and remember the spelling. It makes no sense to me and I need to figure it out.