The most memorable word DS6's teacher has given him lately is "loquacious" :-) [Colin, did she say *you* were loquacious? Yes, and she told me what it means, too!] More usually she gives him words he has mis-spelt in his own writing, e.g. "horrible", "science", "experiment" and "fizzed" (no idea what he did wrong with the last!) He also gets a selection of boring but useful words like "necessary", "because", "through" etc. I'm not wild about memorising spellings though, tbh - at least for a reasonably natural speller, it seems a bit artificial, and I'd rather he just learned by reading and writing. It's not as though it's plausible that learned spelling lists make a numerically significant contribution to most people's spelling, or at least it doesn't seem so to me. It's fairly harmless for DS, but I wouldn't go looking for more. Or is your DS begging for more?

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