I literally feel sick over it. I think I went pale when they were explaining what they were doing in class this week and, I think they took it as it was going to be too hard for DS. "They don't get into this [harder stuff] until 2nd semester." 8( It is so good to know DS can learn all about the letter Q AND patterns at this time next year! I really tried explaining things and it didn't go over very well. Yes, this is mostly so he can socialize and learn to listen etc. but, it is just ridiculous. Oh and it is "OK if he doesn't recognize his name written out at first".

I don't know what to do and NOBODY understands. I was trying to explain to DH last night that DS can't go to K for a year and a half and how ridiculously funny that seemed and he just didn't get it. I said "Think about what he knows now. Now add another year and a half on to that and stick him in K where he would be ahead right now." I think that made things a little clearer for him.
He doesn't even seem as highly gifted as so many other kids on here. I really don't know how you all do it. I am at my wits end!
I don't really have a question. I guess I just needed to vent. Thanks for 'listening'.

Last edited by BigBadWool; 02/23/10 12:57 PM.