This is So funny to read! DS7 has been fascinated with calculators for as long as I can remember...when he was 2, I would keep 2-3 different small ones in my purse and whenever we were out and he needed something to fiddle with, he would grab the calculators and just sit there and explore. When he found DH's Scientific Calculator you would have thought it was Christmas. He also LOVES dice...the cooler shaped/colored/larger numbers the better...he makes up tons of games with them.

My son's massive obsession is maps and graphs...maps of any kind, you name it, he loves them. At last count we had over 100 of them - regular city ones, park name it. He will just sit and draw his own. We went on a field trip the other day (we homeschool)to a water treatment plant and he was totally fascinated with the graph computer read-outs that were showing from the biological tanks and he wanted to know what each color of the chart/graph meant. I remember the engineer just looking totally confused as to why this "little person" wanted to know exact details and numbers.