My 8 year old son has been using K12's public school option (CAVA) since September, and we had relatively few problems getting both whole-grade and subject acceleration. I submitted his Wisc IV and WJ III scores as soon as we registered for the program. Then he did their acheivement testing. Though they did not place him exactly where he tested (because he tested out of highschool in both math and LA), they did allow him to move ahead. He is currently grade-skipped two grades in most subjects and five in math.

Hope that helps!

As far as using K12 as the gifted option at your local public school, I guess it would depend on how they are going to use it. Are they going to enroll them in a higher grade for different subjects or are they planning on using it as enrichment?

Last edited by jeni; 02/22/10 10:06 AM.