DS just started school in the US equivalent of Grade 1. He was homeschooled before (and had some pre-school before that). He has been identified as PG amd the school and the relevant authorities have his records. We are waiting for acceleration to happen (it's been 1.5mths) and in the meanwhile, he is chafing at the bit and complaining everyday about being tremendously bored with the curriculum.

However, as in all his previous kindies, his teachers tell me that he is enjoying himself and is an active participant in class. The exception this time is that he does seems to have found a friend (he told me so); his teachers have always told me he's got tonnes of friends, which he denied in the past.

I'm curious - does it happen to other GT kids as well? I think school this time around is great for him in so many respects - he's finally making friends, learning to take instructions, and is even keen on taking up leadership positions, to name a few. Despite the slower pace of learning, I believe (so far) that it is the right environment for him. But I am yet again surprised at his apparent Jekyll-and-Hyde persona. At some point, as in all his previous schools, his bravado will break down and he will demand to be homeschooled, but I really hope to be able to stick this one out because of the overall benefits to him.

I genuinely believe he is bored - he started with Algebra not too long ago and is enjoying himself at home with "short and sharp math" while the class is learning to add. His all-time favourite book is The Phantom Tollbooth but his classmates are learning to read. His complaints about school are getting increasingly bitter. You get the picture. I wonder if his happy front will hurt his chances of acceleration? I know it shouldn't, but if I were his teacher, I would think the mother was overly pushy!