Just to add my two cents. We have been going through a similar process. Last summer my DS8 was diagnosed as dyslexic and dysgraphic. DS8 is in a gifted classroom but struggles with the writing and spelling components. The teacher has been supportive in the classroom but the school has been reluctant to put anything in writing. I finally got the teacher to acknowledge in a meeting that DS8 needs extra time in with writing assignments despite consistent effort. When I pointed out that DS8 probably will need extra time to perform to potential on state tests that start in third grade (something that is in their interest), they finally agreed to start documenting such occasions. They plan to develop a 504 solely for the purpose of giving DS8 more time on the standardized tests. It's not everything that I wanted but I'm hoping that this is our foot in the door for this process.
Re the keyboarding, we tried starting this school year (2nd grade) but DS8 has been too tired after school to make much progress. Right now, it is just another frustration. We plan to pursue it more aggressively this summer.