You know come to think of it she did the same thing with her ABC'S and reading. When she was 2 she started teaching herself how to write using a workbook. She had only let me show her how to do a couple pages and then refused to do anymore. I figured she wasn't ready. Then about a week later I went into her room and she had written her letters throughout the workbook. I tried to get her to write for me and she wouldn't. That is until she saw her older cousin writing. Then mine would right rows and rows of letters. Then she started scribbling again. When she was about 3 I overheard her reading a book in her room that I had only read once to her several weeks before. When I asked her to read it she wouldn't. Then at her cousins again I went to pick her up and her aunt asked if I knew she could read the book. Then my daughter stopped again. She went back to art. Then just last week I went over her abc's upper and lower to make sure she knew them for the assessment. All the sudden she started saying most of them by the sound they make. So I let her watch a letter sounds video. After one time watching it shE will go through the alphabet saying all their sounds and forgetting to actually name the letter. Now she is reading again but she is getting some sounds backwards. Like instead of car she will say acar or instead of sun she will say usn. But if I take the words out of a sentence she slows down and will say the word right. I think she wants to be able to read as fast as me:) I guess I am starting to see a pattern. I did think about showing her some of the cooler number patterns and things like pascal's triangle. I thought maybe it would spark an interest in math. And I am going to start letting her count her money every week and figure out what she can buy with it. She likes money:) Why do I feel like raising her is not only a full-time job but one with lots of overtime involved? And what is funny is I am not actually having to teach her much....I spend most of my time and energy trying to keep up with what she wants to learn next:) But I can't say that I don't love the challenge and all our special moments. It is definitely worth it.