I know this is an old post but I would love to know your outcome- I have a VERY similar situation- My 7 year old 2nd grader went from 197 math in Fall to 218 in winter (one subtest was 221)and from 191 to 206 in Reading.
I thought at the time the original tests seemed low but it was really his first time taking standardized tests- we are new to the school and he can be quite a trouble maker- we had a really bad experience with a Montessori school that basically wasted a year of his education so he walked into the public school and got a big shock. In Fall missed the GT program by 1% point(Map 95%- he was 94% in Math) and his other tests were not indicative of Gifted at the time- but said they would watch him and retest in the spring. Now that he is in the 99%+ for Math I am wondering if they really need to retest him.
We found out he had severe sleep apnea and had surgery over Thanksgiving- he is sleeping now and obviously did a lot better on the tests in Winter- more in line what I expected. He is still a behavior problem- I tell them GIVE HIM HARDER work when ever he gives them trouble. My parent teacher conference is in 2 weeks so I am trying to decide my approach.
Would love to hear a great success story from you!