Sorry your in such a fustrating situation. If you really like the school and think you DC can hang in there I would suggest you try more modifications. I can only help with the Math.

School may be afraid to accellorate him too fast. You might consider slowing the pace by more depth in math. There are online Math classes for gifted kids with more depth. Check out EPGY at Stanford, John Hopkins, and Northwestern (see database) Or You could condense the current grade or test out of units and then provide something else. My son likes the books.
Or let DC use his time learning programing.

Definitely get Developing Math Talent, book. This lists lots of Math options. This book states you just can't run out of math. BUT a school can run out of teacher capable of teaching DC's level.

My understanding is often Math in school doesn't have much logic. It's good for Talented Math students to expand abilities with logic and different kinds of Math. (this has talent searches that have online classes)

Developing Math Talent. Assouline, S. & Lupkowski-Shoplik, A.
ISBN: 1882664922 Prufrock Press Inc. 2003

Last edited by onthegomom; 01/29/10 06:08 PM.