When my daughters K teacher first suggested my DD get tested for GT. I was shocked, excited, and proud. In my excited shock I mentioned in to my BF. frown
Her reply back to me, was that they had wanted to grade skip & test her oldest DD back in K, but they declined it, because they think that "kids need to be kids".

It was a hard blow coming from my BF. I thought if anybody would have been excited with us, it would have been her.
I have since learned that parents seem to get defensive if a child, other than their own, does something that their child can't do.

In hind sight having my DD tested was a great move. Getting her test results back was a huge wake up call for us. We started paying attention to her cues and gave her the choice to move at a faster pace.
Needless to say in the 2yrs since K the gap between my DD and the "above average" kid has more than doubled.
*** And from time to time we even give her permission to "be a kid" LOL ***