Originally Posted by Breakaway4
To change teachers I would have to change schools. Right now I think he is so turned off that even a new teacher would have a tough time.

Not giving up though. Well maybe giving up on that teacher and perhaps school for now but not giving up on trying to get DS re-invested in himself and learning and having fun.

Thanks again for listening to my vent. :-)


Hugs Breakaway -
I'm not following your thoughts here. Can you get a skip right now? If they are willing, I'll bet you'd get at least 12 weeks of good behavior even if the skip wasn't 'enough.' LOL that the teacher thinks he is having 'social skills' problems given his current behavior - sucking up is a social skill!

As for DH, my guess is that he is remembering 'hating school' as a much older child - worth asking him 'exactly' which years he hated school and which not and what he sees as the difference. Hard though.

I wouldn't rule out that he might instantly change his behavior once his environment changed. My son whistled the whole year he was 9, (during inhalation and exhalation) until an interview with the Principle of a private schools asked him: 'Do you do that all the time?' and he said that he infered that if he couldn't stop himself from whistling that he couldn't attend the school. He stopped. Cool.

The part of you that thinks he really does need to behave, or really is damaged goods might think that he's 'too fried' for any school, but I don't nescessarily agree. ((wink)) Only one way to find out, yes?

Love and More Love,

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