Greetings everyone. After a 2 year fight with our 2nd grade son's school we have finally had an eligibility finding in our favor that classifies him under Specific Learning Disability. He is on the autistic spectrum and his evalutations clearly showed a learning disability with reading comprehension scores on the WJIII in the 28th to 34th percentile; he has a FSIQ of 133. Subtest score spead on the WISC IV greater than 1.5 standard deviation also bear out comprehension issues. Our problem now is the focus of the IEP which is completely behavior intervention based with no educational goals beyond meeting grade core curriculum standards, which he is barely meeting in reading at this time. However, the basis of the classification is that his achievement is significantly below his expected ability. The school of course says that they have no obligation to adjust his educational approach or provide goals beyond meeting the average for his grade level. We of course find this to be absurd if not outright discriminatory. If a child with an 80 IQ was performing ~43 points under their expected ability level the school would be required by law to provide curriculum modifications with educational goals that are commensurate with the child's ability level. How is it not discrimination to not provide that same level of service to a gifted child? Has anyone out there had any luck with this situation as it relates to IEP mandated educational goals?
Thanks in advance!