This sounds like my daughter. She is nearing 7 1/2.

I've seen a huge uptick this year.

Things like
Huggy. Mommy. HUggy. Kissy.

She is also very bright.
We see the baby talk, and just acting 'young'.

My concerns, and items I've considered...

- Stress. I'm very concerned about the match of my daughter with her teacher. She can become very stressed when she feels out of place/called out.

- We had one period a few months back when she just was sobbing that she wanted to be a baby. She has made too many mistakes this year, and wants to be young again. Mistake does not equate to academic mistake, but social mistake. I think a high degree of perfectionism is playing in this as well.

- I've been rereading anything I can on Asperger/Autism/SPD/Bi-polar, to see if any twice-exceptionalities come into play.

- Attention? We have three kids, and that can cause time difficulties. She needs a ton of attention to feel that she is getting enough attention.

We did not see this last year. The big change has been teacher-related, and I can't help but think this is at least part of the issue.

I really don't know how to handle this. I don't if it school related, twice-exceptionality related, stress related, attention related, or what.

I also don't think she wants to grow up either. She is the oldest, and sometimes I wonder if she just didn't get as much attention as she reallllllly needed as a child. I don't know.

Anyway, we are dealing with this.

We are trying more attention, I tried to resolve some of her school concerns. I'm differentiating her school homework at home as well. I'm also trying to track this behavior.


Last edited by quaz; 01/25/10 02:16 PM.