I agree with homeschoolfor3. My DS6 is in a 1st grade full-time accelerated gifted class. He was working on 2nd grade math and reading with the rest of his class. The 2nd grade math was too easy for him and he started complaining that it was boring. His teacher told me that the 2nd grade math was just review for my son and called him her math whiz. Then she discovered that he understood how to do two digit multiplication after watching him do the calculations on the school's Successmaker software program. I was afraid that I would offend her by asking for more challenging math curriculum; but when I finally spoke to her about it, she let him start the 3rd grade math curriculum. He is enjoying the challenge of the new math and no longer complains about his math. My son's teacher goes out of her way to challenge all the children in the class. I realize that most teachers are not as accomodating.