Hello all! Well, need your great advice again smile Just received an e-mail from teacher saying that if there are any more "late" assignments from ds9, that he will lose his privilege to participate in a reading enrichment activity..."No more second chances as several students would love to participate and are being responsible which is part of the programs expectation"...Granted, my ds isn't the most organized, but he has improved dramatically with remembering to bring home assignments etc...The "late" assignments usually are his failing to tell me to sign my signature on a certain page alerting his teacher that I've looked at it. I volunteered to be the "enrichment reading" leader knowing that my son would be in it. I'm also volunteering in his classroom for other "enrichment" activities that everyone is able to participate in, besides volunteering in my other children's classrooms!!! Believe me, if I knew she was going to drop this bombshell, I would have let another parent pick up the slack on this one for a change!!! We are suppose to start the program next week, and this has been the one thing lately that my ds has been so excited for!!! He had his assignment done for it already last week!!! I don't know why, but for the last few weeks I've been feeling like she's out to get him frown I just don't know how to handle this. It seems so silly to me to take this away from him when he has improved so much in the "remembering" area, yet am I just being to easy on him and contributing to his lack of responsibility/remembering??? I trust your advice. What would you do/say??? Thanks everyone!!! smile