a friend's DD took the DAS-II at 5.4 and the scores are a little curious. Her DD is very bright, and I would really say gifted. They wanted to get her tested to obtain gifted ed. courses.

Under what circumstances do they give the DAS-II? Why not test with the WPPSI or WISC?

She saw: "Differential Abilities Scales. A fairly new (1989) IQ test, said to be a good option for visual / spatial and twice exceptional gifted children" as a description on Hoagies, and is wondering why this test was used on her DD.

It was given at a local State University by a grad student, and my friend is now wondering if she should get her DD retested since, she is showing signs of boredom and frustrationin 1st grade. (she has not learned anything new this year, just weeks and weeks of review of things she knew back in Kg)

Does anyone have experience with DAS-II, and can I run her test scores by you, to see what you think?
