Dear Ones -
Hat's off to coining "The Vultures"

I found myself explaining "The Chicken Dance" to a IRL mom, and I thought - It's time to codify the slang and abbreviations we need to talk about our children.
I'll state mine, you critique, and add yours, ok?

ssa - single subject acceleration
mssa - single subject accelerations in more than one subject (m for multiple)
base grade, or homebase grade - the lowest grade a child attends when a child takes classes in multiple grades.

agemates - childen who are the grade your child would be expected, on the basis of age alone, to be in.
the chicken dance - what your child does daily in school to live the ssa or mssa
grade skip - when your child is "assigned" a base grade different from their age mates

AM+1 - ssa, mssa, or grade skip one year ahead of agemates
AM+2 - ssa, mssa, or grade skip two years ahead of agemates
AM+3 - and so on.

CC - community college
EC - early college
ps - public school
is - independent school
DP - dear partner or dear Principal, depending on context

These are the ideas that I'm trying to say and type over and over again. What are yours?

Love and More Love, and a little Humor,

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