
I'm am a mom to DD6 who was tested for GT at end of K but missed the threshold by 3pts in our district. Probably a good thing because we needed this year in G1 for her to get the hang of a large school experience w/o the drama of leaving the classroom one afternoon a week on a bus.

She's in an inclusion class, which I originally thought would be good but it seems like the chaos of being with the 6 special ed kids who are all behavior problems is not helping her learn boundaries.

DD is also an only child.

Anyway, I'm just struggling with trying to teach her to behave like everyone else when she just isn't like everyone else. Teachers said that next year she will be in G&T most likely, but I don't think one afternoon a week is going to cut it.

Can't HS because I need to work.

So I come to you desperate and looking for other people who feel my pain and know that Gifted is actually another kind of special need.

My state doesn't get that and neither do the people around me :-(

Thanks for listening!