DS7 is back in public school after trying 2 months at a brand new school for gifted children. It was not a good fit for DS7 since it was so small and there was not enough structure for him. He found many ways to manipulate the adults in charge and he also become quite a big behavior problem for the other children.

At the beginning of November DS7 transferred to public school with a 1 year grade skip to 2nd grade. So far so good. He is pretesting out of the fundations/spelling work, he is in the high level reading "book club" and he is supposed to be getting some math differentiation. His teacher is really nice and is trying really hard to keep him motivated and challenged. It's not perfect but it's not a disaster. During the time when he is not doing the same work as the other children, DS7 has project time where he works on something independently. The last two weeks it was writing Mad Libs. There have been a few power struggles and behavior problems but still not to the degree that we had last year.

Not sure what next year will bring so I totally agree with the "take it year by year" statement above.
