Sorry for the off topic post. If it's a problem, I can delete. I'm hoping that someone here has some expertise in genetics.

We have this cute little mixed breed dog who has been the source of numerous conversations about her potential breed. So, the kids got a dog DNA kit from Bianca, the dog, for Christmas. You swab the cheek and mail it in to the manufacturer and they tell you what breeds your dog has in it.

Here are some photos of Bianca:
Bianca #1

Bianca #2

She weighs about 45 lbs, is very short haired, and has one eye that is green and the other that is half light blue and half hazel. I got this breed report back telling me that she has two "intermediate breeds" -- meaning that she is at least 25% of each these breeds and numerous breed traces that are too small to be showing up. The intermediate breeds are.... Chow chow and giant schnauzer -- both 80 lb. hairy dogs.

I emailed them some photos of Bianca and told them that the test either was not very accurate or they mixed their samples. They sent me a long email trying to explain genetics and how two brown eyed people could have a blue eyed child, etc. I know that much about genetics at least! They also said that she definitely had one grandparent who was a pure bred chow chow and one who was a purebred giant schnauzer.

The issue I have, other than she doesn't look a thing like either of these breeds, is that these large dogs would have had to have bred with something the size of a jack russell terrier to produce a dog the size of Bianca. I'm kind of surmising that this might have killed the mama dog if she was the small one or that the papa dog would have a hard time mounting the big female if he was the little guy.

What do you think? From a genetics standpoint, could Bianca be 50% large, hairy, bearded, purple tongued dog? Incidentally, you cannot see in the photos, but she had very light pink lips and a very light pink tongue.

Last edited by Cricket2; 01/14/10 12:49 PM. Reason: removing name of DNA company