Anyone want to chime in if I have turned into a helicopter parent?

DD7 told me Friday that she had a science project to do over the weekend. I realized it that differentiated from the rest of her class and I was thrilled - first time with science teacher. It turned out to be something she had not finished in class. Okay, that's fine. At this point I'm hovering between worrying she has set herself up for something too big and that the idea of what she wants to make is amazing, and well beyond her dexterity.

So she builds the model - a rock hanging from a clothes hanger repressenting the Earth and a ring of clear plastic with phases of the moon drawn on it. I think the idea is to shine a flastlight through the plastic and see the shadow cast on the Earth, spin the dial and see the Moon wax an wane.

Well the model fell apart in the car going to school Monday AM. DH takes her to school so I didn't find out until Monday PM. She was calm, but her stomach hurt so much she couldn't stand up straight. I felt horrible.

Tuesday I took the rubber cement, tape, rubber bands and yarn with me when I picked her up. DD and I sat in the science room for an hour while she rebuilt the model which changed our whole evening around.

The science teacher commented that this was a fantastic opportunity for dd to learn from her mistakes. I agree but ugh.

Now the model looks so battered and lumpy. She really did 95% of it by herself but the presentation is less than stellar. I sat on my hands the entire time. This is a normal amount of advocacy? Yes, no?

Warning: sleep deprived