DD is flying through the firts set. She mostly just reads the words, but occassionally she will sound one out out loud. When she doe she then goes back to the start of the sentence and reads it all again without sounding them out. It's amazing that she just seems to know some words, though I watch her pause and I figure she is figuring it out in her head.

So for those of you who have used them, do you just progress to the next set when your child finished the first box? Did you have them rea all of them more then once or just let them progress as they wanted? Right now she usually just reads one and then wants to move on to the next one, but will later go back and oick out an earlier one to read to someone else.

DD actually just took one next door to read to the neighbors 4 month old LOL.


Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.