Hi All, I'm new but wanted to post a question related to my 2nd child dd6. Her best friend lives on our street and during the summer they are inseparable. The friend is MG and grade skipped. She is a year older than my EG dd6 and my dd is also grade skipped.

There is another girl in the neighborhood that is ND. She is the same age as my dd's friend. They have tried many times to play as a threesome but it never works out for very long. In addition, my dd has NO interest in playing with this ND girl alone. When it has been just the two of them it just seems very ackward.

This is the 2nd fall/winter in a row where my dd's best friend seems to drop off the face of the earth and play only with this ND girl. It is so confusing to me. This has happened two years in a row now and I just don't understand. My dd is so hurt and cries all the time she sees them together.

The mom of my dd's friend says that her dd is an introvert and only ever wants to play with one friend at a time. I can understand that to a point but I also think the mom should talk with her daughter about this strange pattern.

Anyway, that's probably too much background. I'm just wondering if anyone has some good advice for my dd and/or some good friendship stories, etc. This is/was her only friend in the neighborhood. She goes to school 25 miles from our home so it's near impossible to play with schoolmates.

I'm so frustrated with these girl relationship issues and we haven't even hit the teen years!
