Wow! There are so many great ideas here! It's such a relief to be able to "talk" with other parents who "get" what my kid is like!! Your stories of your children sound so familiar. You make very good points about not squelching his love of learning. He is so thrilled. I started get a few homeschool materials together, and ds was literally jumping up and down with joy today.

This is probably something I'll need to feel my way on. You're right that just a few minutes consistently every day can make a huge difference after a few months. I guess I really need to just relax about the whole thing. I have such a tendency toward over-organizing everything that I feel like I need to have my entire plan perfectly in place before I begin anything. Maybe someday I will learn to go with the flow a little better.

If you have more ideas about incorporating what he loves into his daily routine, I'm all ears!