Two years ago, I enrolled DS in a public charter school that was just formed for a couple years. It advertised itself as using GATE curriculum to teach kids, but anyone could apply. It is a district charter school (as opposed to the state charter school). The district was hostile to that charter school and it was folded a year later. The next year, some of the teachers formed a school, so we went with them. Because it was a new school, school operation was horrible. They did not have time to train new teachers. The teacher he had was horrible. She did not like gifted kids at all. Now we are homeschooling.

Also, you might want to ask them if they are open to subject acceleration and grade skipping. The original charter school I was in, they believe that since they brought the curriculum down to the student to meet their level, they were against subject acceleration and grade skipping. They really only served the HG community.

I don't have much advice. I am sure some people have better luck than we did.
